Monday, January 17, 2011

Chicken Dog Treats

That's right, in honor of the Steelers going to the AFC Championship, I made footballs!

Have you ever read the ingredients list on your dog food or your dog treats?  It's probably at least 2 inches long and contains at least 5 things you can't pronounce.  That's not what I would consider a "treat".  I love my pups, and want them to live long, healthy lives so I started looking around for the best deal on healthy treats.

It's pretty crazy what they charge for organic dog treats in the pet stores, and the homemade treats at the "barkeries" are even worse!  Which is how I started making my own dog treats.  I save so much money making my own treats and the best thing is I know what's in them.  Your dogs will love them too!  Even if you mess up and burn them, they're still better than the flavorless milk bones you're giving them now.  My dogs are so spoiled, regular treats don't even cut it anymore.  

These are one of my favorite treats to make because they're super easy, and I usually make a large batch of chicken and use the leftovers for chicken enchiladas.

Chicken Dog Treats

1/2 lb shredded chicken (1-2 breasts)
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup cornmeal
3/4 cup chicken broth
3 tablespoons oil (olive or vegetable)
1 egg

To Make:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  In a large bowl, mix together shredded chicken, flour, and cornmeal.   In a small bowl, mix together chicken broth, oil, and egg.  Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix until combined (I just use my hands).  Lightly dust a clean, dry work surface with whole wheat flour (white flour is bad for dogs).  Working in sections, roll the dough to about 1/4 inch thickness.  Use a cookie cutter to cut shapes in the dough, and place the treats on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.  Bake for 18- 23 minutes.  Let cool for a few minutes before transferring to a cool flat surface to cool completely.

*These treats are preservative- free, so keep them in an air tight container and store them in the fridge.  They also freeze really well.

Good puppies sit for treats.


  1. What's sad is it actually took a good 5-10 minutes for them to sit together long enough to get that picture :)
