Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Closet Housewife

"I started my blog today", I whispered to my husband.  This is something I've talked about doing for years, but always came up with some reason not to.  Thoughts of what I would actually talk about, and would people even want to read it always scared me away.  Like everyone else, I have a busy life.  Between a full time job, taking care of the house, and my animals it's hard to find time to do anything besides cook dinner (which I don't do nearly as much as I should).  My problem is that stuff can get boring and I want to do fun stuff.  I want to crochet and make jam and read and cook elaborate meals every single evening.  I want to be housewife.  However, I'm not and probably never will be.  I have a professional career that I'm very proud of, but still there's this other side of me that wishes I could stay home and cook and clean all day (I know, sick, right?).  So this is me, my release of the Closet Housewife. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm new to the whole blogging thing too. But have always wanted to do it. I must say that I really enjoyed yours and the recipes look amazing. Thanks for sharing and keep the posts coming! :)
